Category: Articles


Linux Mint 15 on Lenovo Thinkpad T420s, Installation and tweeks

This is an unedited republication of how I installed Linux on my then new laptop. The post first appeared on Some of the tips are out of date now, so this is mostly for the historical perspective. I am still using that same old T420s as of writing this. It's the most reliable computer I have ever owned.

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Mounting Midimixfix in a box

I finally decided on a cabinet for my Midimixfix hardware and photo documented the mounting process.

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Wireless power switches investigated

Read on to see pictures and a simple analysis of some cheap and popular RF remote controllable power switches available in Denmark and probably the rest of the world also. The danish name for this is “Fjernbetjent stikkontakt”.

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Introducing Midimixfix

Midimixfix is (going to be) an open source and open hardware MIDI processing platform powered by an Atmel Atmega644P. It has two MIDI inputs, two analog inputs and one MIDI output. It performs mixing and processing operations on the input streams in real time with minimal latency.

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This article is about a Tetris game I created with an AtMega32 controlling the beam of an oscilloscope, which I very creatively named Scopetris.

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This article is about the robot: SickSack that Aske Olsson and I created for DTU RoboCup 2007, which is an annual competition for autonomous mobile robots held by Automation at the Technical University of Denmark.

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The MMC2IEC device

It has always been tricky to transfer data between a PC and a Commodore 64. As the old machine lacks any even remotely modern interfaces, tricks of some sort are always required to do the transfer. The MMC2IEC device can be seen as yet another one of these tricks, but it does so much more.

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The Wooden DTV

This project was inspired by the countless other projects on the web concerning hacking and modifying the C64 DTV. The basic goal I had with my DTV modding was to create a handy little C64 clone you could bring along to spread some 8-bit joy. This article includes modifications to the DTV PAL circuit to improve color reproduction.

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